This was a procedural blick wall substance I created for a Digital Graffitti wall project for Tangible Interaction. The big challenge for this project was that we needed to have minimal repetitions of the texture set at all, and it had to hold up at high resolutions. Substance Designer came in very handy for this, as I was able to generate many unique samples from one graph. To get greater height detail without using tessellation in Unity (which would not be supported by the digital graffitti application), I baked the height map directly into a pre-tessellated geometry using a displacement modifier in 3DS Max. This gave us great shadowing on the individual bricks without requiring shader complexity. The scene did not extend far beyond the wall itself, so we had a high polygon budget. The substance graph was also flexible enough to be able to create the arches.
© 2020 Conrad Sly
Environment Art
Material Authoring
Architectural Visualization
Virtual Reality Design
Character Design